Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Is there an update on the AGLOCO Viewbar?

Yes, there is. I reading the AGLOCO site today, and they were discussing the anticipated availability of the toolbar. We have been waiting a long time...

Right now the current release date is between Monday, March 26, and Monday, April 16. I am told this is all a function of the QA testing results.

It is encouraging to know that it won't be long!


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Friday, March 16, 2007

I was reading on the AGLOCO web site and found their Vision for their company. I think it is worth sharing here:

During the last ten years, the Internet has spawned a new economy: one where users create tremendous economic value but hardly get anything in return. With AGLOCO we want to change that thinking. We hope that all companies that depend on its users will eventually believe in what we do – The Members should share the value they generate for the company.

We believe that AGLOCO will be a success if we can change the entrepreneurial mindset on the Internet. Instead of only looking for ways users can help them build the company, future entrepreneurs will be asking how the users can share in the value creation.

We believe in a different way of looking at users on the internet. We developed the following philosophy for AGLOCO and we welcome your comments (philosophy@AGLOCO.com). After all, it's your company.

10. Members should be owners - The Members who are the source of value for an internet company should own that company. This brings transparency and rewards the right people who contribute to developing the company.

9. Providers should be stewards - The providers of a service where Members create the value should act as stewards, not owners. The stewards of the company have a duty to do what is right for the community, and maximize the benefits for the community. The stewards will act in the best interest of the community if the incentive system is aligned.

8. You can make money without changing anything you do - The internet currently generates value from nearly everything a user does online. From a simple internet search, to clicking on an ad, to making a purchase, someone is making money from these activities. Our job, as stewards of a large community, is to ensure a fair part of that value is returned to our Members.

7. Privacy is not a nice to have, it is a must have - Our Members privacy is paramount. After all, without our Members, the community would not exist. That is why we will never sell, disclose or give away any or all of our Members' information. A high level of privacy is far more valuable to the community than any alternative.

6. Trust is everything - The AGLOCO platform can be a gateway for an array of other services developed to provide both monetary and service benefits. Whether early virus and phishing site alerts or simply a trusted information exchange, Members should benefit from such a community.

5. Every single Member benefits - Every Member should benefit in his or her way by joining a trusted community. Whether earning money while surfing, or giving that money away to charity, we believe the platform should represent what the Internet should be: a source of benefit for a large section of the population.

4. Members that own the community should help promote and police it - A user that owns part of the community has more incentive to promote it and keep it free of malicious software and ill-intentioned individuals. We believe that the overwhelming majority of our Members will want to reach out to friends, family and colleagues, as well as protect themselves from scams and pitfalls on the Internet.

3. A community with a shared sense of responsibility - We stray away from advertising and products that are socially unacceptable. We strive to create an active and socially responsible community.

2. A global community - The internet unites the world across cultures, borders and languages. AGLOCO wants to bridge the divide in global understanding and promote itself as a cross cultural, socially aware and responsible community.

1. Free is too expensive (our favorite) - A free service is always great. However, if Members produce what becomes the core value of the company – as we have seen with recent online mega-deals - then we believe Members should receive a good portion of the financial benefit that the company derives.


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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Will the toolbar be released to all members at the same time?

The AGLOCO toolbar should be available some time this month, depending on when it finishes beta testing. It will be released to Members in the order in which Members signed up. No testers are receiving any earnings while using the Viewbar in this testing phase.

What can we do now? Build the community, build the community, build the community. AGLOCO and its members will make more if we grow the community.

Sign up and start building!


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Thursday, March 8, 2007

How do referral links work?

I saw the following paragraphs on the AGLOCO web site this morning and thought it might answer some of the questions people have about referral links.

To make it easier to refer your friends to AGLOCO, we have set up our website to let you link directly to a sign-up page that will automatically mark that visitor as your referral. The link follows a simple pattern:

(where ****#### represents your Member ID)

Here is your link: http://www.agloco.com/r/BBBB0937

When people use that link,your ID is automatically embedded into the system and you will receive the referral credit.

The bigger the AGLOCO network gets, the more valuable every Member becomes, and the more you make from the system. The larger AGLOCO is, the better our ability to generate revenue for our Members.


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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

When will the AGLOCO Viewbar be available? Update

I have been out of town for a while and haven't had a chance to update my blog! Sorry!

I just heard that the Viewbar is scheduled to be released in March. It looks like it will be toward the end of the month. A lot depends on how the QA testing goes. We just need to be patient. We don't want it released with lots of bugs in it!

Whatever the date, it will be soon. Please sign up and contact your friends and relatives so that you have a large number of referrals when AGLOCO is released.


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