Thursday, June 7, 2007

AGLOCO is LIVE - join now and make some money!

I joined AGLOCO last November while the Viewbar was still in beta. It has now been released! This is a great, simple way to make some extra money...

One thing I like about it is the small amount of space it takes on my web site. I am able to customize it to sit on either the bottom or the top of my screen. You can select several options including the search engine you like to use.

If you haven't signed up yet, you might want to. To sign up under me, simple go to this web site:

I get credit for the time I spend using the internet and for the time everyone in my group spends on the internet. Sign up and recruit other people to use this Viewbar. You get credit for the time you are on the internet and also for everyone else in your group.

You will get a personal automatic referral link like did. Just have your friends and family use that to sign up. There are lots of instructions on the site. Get busy, and make some money!


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