So, just how popular is AGLOCO?
I just did a Google search on “AGLOCO” and got 895,000 pages of results that were in English and 1,400,000 results for all languages. It looks like AGLOCO is very popular world wide. AGLOCO has done a great job with translations into other languages. I am sure that the international community is happy about that. I used to be a translation planner, so I always notice when companies do a good job with translation...
AGLOCO was first mentioned on the Internet on November 3, 2006 - that was only 3 months ago! That means AGLOCO has been growing by over 15,000 pages a day. I sure wish I had that kind of growth in my blogs and web sites - pretty amazing.
I did a number of Google searches to see how those search results compare to other searches. I got 11,700,000 hits when I searched for Tiger Woods, 1,440,000 hits for Princess Diana (not many more than for AGLOCO), 138,000,000 hits for President Bush, 26,700,000 for Britney Spears, 167,000,000 for "make money online" (obviously people are really looking for ways to make money on the Internet), 3,880,000 for AdSense, 517,000,000 for Google, 1,460,000 for Rush Limbaugh, 7,980,000 for American Idol, 429,000 for Quixtar, 1,910,000 for Donald Trump, 66,700,000 for YouTube, 23,500,000 for BMW, 61,000,000 for eBay, and only 243 hits for "Jeanne Stuemke (my name)."
The comparison is interesting. I bet if I do these searches in another 30 days, I would see that the number of hits for AGLOCO will have skyrocketed compared to my other search terms. AGLOCO is a new business opportunity, and it is still in pre-launch. People are getting excited about it and looking for more information. That is why this time is crucial for developing a large network of people. Join now - don't wait. Become one of the founding members.
Sign up now, and keep the growth happening!
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