Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Why did I join AGLOCO?

Well, the main reason I joined is to make money. I am sure that is why most people join. I was laid off from IBM after many years and lost my retirement - all I will get is vested rights. That is definitely not very much money. So, I am looking for ways to make money!

I figure that there is a great potential for earning substantial money from AGLOCO. What do I have to lose? I work on the internet all day with my websites, so I won't be doing anything different. If it works, I will make money. If it doesn't, I won't be out any money! To me this sounds like a win-win situation.

BTW, I sell antiques, collectibles, handmade scarves, and handmade greeting cards made with antique postcards. Check out my web sites: Attic Shoppe, Victorian Cards, and My Vintage Crafts.

I also have a number of blogs that you might be interested in: Recipes from Grandma, Diet to Hawaii, and ABCs of Mesothelioma.


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